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prima:CooPACA confirms it is cooperating with Cossec investigation

Aside from the investigation involving the chairman of its board of directors, the cooperative has yet to appoint a CEO

September 12, 2024 - 10:27 AM

Archival note
This content was published more than 4 months ago.
Además de las mejoras en sucursales, CooPACA ha ido haciendo inversiones en tecnología para maximizar los servicios financieros en línea de sus clientes. (Suministrada)
In the midst of Cossec's investigation, it is not known whether the president of CooPACA's board of directors, Luis A. Galarza Pérez, is still in office.

The Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito de Arecibo (CooPACA) confirmed that it is cooperating with an investigation being conducted by the Puerto Rico Cooperative Insurance and Supervision Corporation (Cossec) into alleged personal benefits received by the president of its board of directors related to the purchase of repossessed properties from the cooperative.

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