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prima:Government projects investments in excess of $14 billion for the next four years

The new draft of the Four-Year Investment Program shows a high dependence on federal funds to carry out the works, representing 67.1% of the total investment

June 12, 2024 - 5:13 PM

Archival note
This content was published more than 7 months ago.
Among the 10 evaluation criteria considered in the PICA regarding the purpose of the investments are projects for "emergencies, risks or needs" of the citizens, initiatives that respond to Federal Court orders, legislation or regulations, construction or rehabilitation works, works to replace "obsolete facilities" and projects with significant federal contribution. (David Villafañe/Staff)

For the next four years, the government projects investments exceeding $14.237 billion, which represents a significant increase of approximately 58.6%, when compared to previous estimates, according to Julio Lassús Ruiz, president of the Planning Board (JP).

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