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prima:Insurance Commissioner sues for delay in payment of claims associated with Hurricane María

Legal representative of Real Legacy and Integrand Assurance Company says Miscellaneous Insurance Guaranty Association defaults on plan to pay those harmed by cyclone some seven years ago

August 23, 2024 - 12:02 PM

Archival note
This content was published more than 5 months ago.
A mediados del año pasado, Real Legacy había quedado sin recursos y sin cubierta de reaseguro suficiente para pagar a sus asegurados.
In the aftermath of Hurricane María, Real Legacy was left without resources and without sufficient reinsurance coverage to pay its policyholders.

The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCS) is not satisfied with the pace at which the cases of the defunct insurance company Real Legacy are being handled and has gone to court to demand agility.

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