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prima:Merchants on Ponce de León Avenue have been without electricity for more than a week

They point out that no one at LUMA Energy is giving them a clear answer, and they fear that they will not be able to keep their businesses open, operating with a generator, for much longer

June 5, 2024 - 3:14 PM

Abracadabra, ubicado en Santurce,  es uno de los restaurantes más activos en las redes sociales.
The Abracadabra restaurant, located in Santurce, is one of those affected. Israel Lugo, owner of the restaurant, reported that he has been without electricity for nine days. (Wanda Liz Vega Dávila)

Nine days without electricity. That is the reality of a group of merchants on Juan Ponce de León Avenue, one of the main arteries of the capital city; and the worst thing is that they still do not know how much time is left before electricity returns to their businesses.

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