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prima:Puerto Rico’s creative industries with potential but without a clear strategy

An analysis commissioned by InvestPR reveals that the sector represents 2% of the island’s Gross Domestic Product

January 28, 2025 - 1:47 PM

El programa de Desarrollo de Cine está adscrito al DDEC desde el 2014 y fomenta la producción de películas, documentales, cortometrajes y series dramáticas locales y nacionales. ( EFE/Laura Magruder/Quenapa Producciones)
Creative industries have a direct impact of $4 billion in Puerto Rico. When the indirect impact of these efforts is added, the figure exceeds $8 billion. (Agencia EFE)

The recent announcement of Bad Bunny’s artistic residency at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico put the music and art produced on the island on the international front page.

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