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prima:What will be the future of the dairy industry?

Voices from the sector detail the challenges facing the industry, the only one in which Puerto Rico is self-sufficient, and what must be done to adapt its production to these times

June 30, 2024 - 5:45 PM

In Puerto Rico, some 365 million quarts of milk were produced annually and by the 1990s, there were half a thousand dairies and a similar number of farmers. At present, there are less than half: 220 dairies and 180 farmers, according to updated figures from the Department of Agriculture. (Suministrada)

It is well known that over 80% of the food consumed in Puerto Rico is imported, but there is one food in which Puerto Rico is self-sufficient: fresh milk. And although its production has declined in recent years, this sector is still the main component of the country’s gross agricultural income.

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