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prima:When losing your job is the best thing that can happen to you: the story behind Bloom Macarons

With sales outlets in Añasco, Plaza Las Américas and the Internet, the small company wants to take its products to the entire island

December 15, 2024 - 8:26 PM

Archival note
This content was published more than 1 month ago.
The company makes 50 different flavors of macarons, as well as other desserts such as cheesecake, pistachio biscuits and creme brulee. (Jorge A Ramirez Portela)

Añasco - Bloom Macarons, the dessert factory in Añasco, which supplies more than twenty restaurants and coffee shops from Arecibo to Ponce and which was born more than a decade ago out of the need to generate additional income, has entered a new stage with online sales, a second point of sale in Plaza Las Américas, and is preparing to expand its services to the entire island.

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