EnglishTransparency and order in the transitionThe peaceful and orderly transfer of power from one government to the other, which is a procedure of fundamental importance in a liberal democracy such as ours, began this week between the work teams of the outgoing governor, Pedro Pierluisi, and the incoming governor, Jenniffer González, in a calm atmosphere that we hope will continue throughout the process
EnglishIn defense of democracyThe first appointments of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump have confirmed some of the worst fears of those who warned, as from the pages of this newspaper, that a figure who has already demonstrated to satiety his contempt for democracy would set that country with which we are so closely linked on the road to authoritarianism and confrontation
EnglishLet’s all work for Puerto RicoThe new administration headed by Governor-elect Jenniffer González, who will take the reins in January, arrives to a country that is practically a minefield of extraordinarily complex challenges, some of which have been brewing for decades and some of which have cost almost all of La Fortaleza’s tenants their jobs during this century
EnglishTo vote with enthusiasm and serenityIn just 48 hours, the residents of Puerto Rico will have a privilege that, as strange as it may seem, most of the world’s population does not enjoy: going to the polls and casting our vote for those we want to lead our country, with the confidence that our will shall be respected
EnglishPuerto Ricans should vote for Kamala HarrisToday, all of us who love this beautiful Garden of America, and of the world, our hearts ache and our hearts clench with rage and pain. This is a noble and peaceful people, who deeply love their island.