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prima:Genera PR requests permit to gasify units of Cambalache power plant in Arecibo

The request is the third fuel change proposal submitted to the Energy Bureau in five months

July 27, 2024 - 7:00 PM

Archival note
This content was published more than 6 months ago.
El Grupo de Bonistas está listo para depositar aproximadamente $61 millones para sufragar el Acuerdo de Compra de Bonos en una cuenta única u otras cuentas segregadas.
The Cambalache plant in Arecibo has three electric generation turbines, only two of which are in service.

Five months after requesting authorization to convert multiple generating units at the Palo Seco and Mayagüez plants to natural gas - a request that has not yet received a definitive response - Genera PR submitted another proposal to the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau (PREB) to modify the fuel at the Cambalache plant in Arecibo, under the premise that the change would produce savings of more than $24 million a year.

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