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prima:Leaders of Chicago’s boricua neighborhood call for their demands on status and food sovereignty to be addressed

They call for the voices of state and local authorities to be heard in favor of a Status Convention and against the language of the governing program that would pass the Democratic presidential convention

August 19, 2024 - 10:06 PM

Archival note
This content was published more than 5 months ago.
Former Congressman Luis Gutiérrez, the executive director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center of Chicago, José López Rivera, and the city councilwoman representing the Puerto Rican neighborhood, Jessie Fuentes. (Ramon "Tonito" Zayas)

Chicago, Illinois - With the Democratic presidential convention being held in Chicago, the Puerto Rican leadership of the city considers that the U.S. Democratic Party should take into account the point of view of the authorities of the city and the state regarding the political future of Puerto Rico.

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