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prima:LUMA accepts that the transformer that caused the breakdown in Santa Isabel had doubled its utility

Juan Saca, president of the consortium informed that the vice-president of Engineering of the company resigned on Wednesday, while the stability of the service in the affected area could take four weeks

June 7, 2024 - 11:40 AM

LUMA Energy's president, Juan Saca, informed that returning service stability to Santa Isabel, Coamo and Aibonito will take at least four additional weeks. (David Villafañe)

The electrical transformer that failed last weekend in Santa Isabel and caused extensive blackouts in Aibonito and Coamo, was inspected 10 months ago, but its useful life expired decades ago, said Thursday the president of LUMA Energy, Juan Saca, who estimated that restoring service stability to the region will take at least four additional weeks.

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