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prima:LUMA Energy defends maintenance efforts at Santa Isabel substation out of service since June

However, the company accepted that the last “full maintenance” on the transformer that failed a month and a half ago occurred in 2019

July 19, 2024 - 2:44 PM

Archival note
This content was published more than 6 months ago.
In the effort to replace the equipment in Santa Isabel, LUMA transported another transformer by sea and land from Caguas, but the device failed the tests. (David Villafañe)

After it emerged - in a report submitted by the consortium itself to the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau on July 1 - that the transformer that until early June handled loads at the Santa Isabel substation had not received maintenance since 2019, LUMA Energy said Thursday that on October 18, 2022, “preventive maintenance work” was performed at the facility.

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