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prima:The president of the Puerto Rico Democrats questions Pablo José Hernández’s desire to diffuse the status debate

Luis Dávila Pernas sent a letter on Friday to Senate leaders in response to a letter from the resident commissioner-elect

December 16, 2024 - 9:11 PM

Archival note
This content was published more than 1 month ago.
Luis Dávila Pernas, as PRFAA director, and resident commissioner-elect Pablo José Hernández met in mid-November as part of the transition process. (Suministrada (PRFAA))

Washington D.C. - The president of the U.S. Democratic Party in Puerto Rico, Luis Dávila Pernas, is surprised that the resident commissioner-elect, Pablo José Hernández, has made the debate on the political status of the island a priority, despite having said in his campaign that this issue would not be on his agenda.

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